Adjusting the field of view

When adjusting the Avatar on the background, changing the camera angle isn't always enough; Sometimes you also need to change your FOV (field of view) to achieve realistic model-background blend.

To change the field of view:

  1. Click Show Grid to make floor grid visible.

    The grid appears on the floor.

  2. You now need to align this grid with your background image floor.  To achieve this, you need to create and edit a new Camera Custom View.

  3. Click Custom View to create a new View.

  4. name it as you want.

  5. Export it as a .cam file.

  6. Use Notepad or another text editor to open the .cam file.

  7. Locate the camera FOV, and modify fovAngle as you need.

    Note: Small FOVs reveal less depth, while large FOVs reveal more depth. Change it for example to 50 to give it more nuance.

  8. Import the edited cam file back into PDS using the import button in Custom View window:




Note: You may need to move the avatar once more so that it aligns with the backplate, and the model is on the surface.


 See also: Rendering with custom background